Friday, May 16, 2014

Oh Yes, Right. I Have A Blog

I haven't forgotten about this blog. Well, maybe just a little bit. I've just been super duper busy. My husband was here and then I've been swamped at work. Finals are upon us. I need to finish writing another exam today. I'm also working on the year end play and it is a lot of work. Rehearsals, costumes, dance numbers, it's insane, but I love it. It's going to be amazing. We had a bake sale to raise money for the show and it was a great success. Who knew you could bake 70 cupcakes and over 100 cookies in a few hours.  On top of all of this, my kids have been taking finals as well and the dog is a very bad boy. More on that later.

On today's to do list. Clean the house, write the exam, dinner (tacos), and if there's time, buy fabric for a costume.  I'm not one of those people who glorifies being busy. I don't like it. I'll be glad when the month is out, school is over and the show is done so I can be lazy again. I'm hoping to go to the beach next week. I miss swimming and I really could use a nice day at the sea.

Now about Buddy. He's about 2 months and a week old and is making me nuts at times. He refuses to go on the paper. It's no fun to find little (sometimes not so little) presents and puddles in your house. The plan was that he would be in the garden. We have a very spacious outdoor area but he has to have taken his second immunization in order to safely let him be outside where sometimes stray cats come around etc. I do not want to risk it because we had a dog before and he passed away after getting a virus because of being exposed without the proper immunization. He also is teething and likes to bite little girl's feet as they walk. Anyone have any advice?  As much as he is naughty sometimes, he's freaking adorable though.

Just thought I'd drop a post and update a little bit, hope someone's still reading. :)


  1. I'm still reading! I haven't been on my laptop for a while and today I thought I'd visit to see if you had a new post, so I'm in luck :)

    I can't wait to see your photos of the beach next week! I've been admiring a lot of pictures of Hurghada and the beaches north and south of it on Instagram, would really love to visit someday. Last time I visited Gouna was a few years ago. Now I'd love to visit Soma Bay, or Orange Bay in Hurghada or something.

    Having a pet is really challenging. I have cats and I trained them to do their business in a big plastic tub without sand or paper so that I could flush it down the toilet ASAP. One of my cats also pees in the bidet which I find adorable after I tried so hard to train him to do that.

    I guess I weaned them off the sand and paper until they got used to the idea of using the tub without anything in it. I put them in the bathroom with the tub in the morning and evenings for ten minutes so that they go. And they got the idea in the end. Now when they need to go to the toilet they run to me, show me that they need me to open the bathroom door, and they run inside all by themselves, lol.

    Good luck with the play and end of school year, it's a busy time, I remember from my teaching days!

  2. I've come to the conclusion that busy is better. Keeps the mind and body occupied with something constructive (in most cases, lol). When I was working I felt like I never had time for anything, and now that I'm not working, I still feel as though I have no time. Summer break will arrive soon, inshaAllah, although the jury is still out about the weather in NJ where it's still cooler than normal and rainy.

  3. Ive been thinking of you,and realised I hadnt added this new blog of yours on my blog list! what horror! Just catching up on your posts...gosh this teenage age sure is annoying...already seeing similar attitude in a friend's teen and even though Im not a parent yet I can get how annoying it is! Glad to hear about school and the play...sounds like a lot of fun. Oh and not having the main kitchen light is so frustrating-I recently got mine fixed too! Hope you can get away to the beach real soon and get some much needed 'me time'.
